Archive | January, 2010

My Recent Meeting With Gus Bilirakis

16 Jan

Hey guys! It’s me, Liak (or if you saw the “Oldie But A Goodie” thing you probably know me as Dylan now). I just thought it’d be pretty cool if I told you all about my meeting with congressman Gus Bilirakis just yesterday. It was really cool and he answered a lot of interesting questions.

For one thing, he’s totally against the new Healthcare Bill, saying that if it passes it will be the beginning of a sort of “Socialistic Era” where the government is in complete control of everything. Even though it’s just one part of the country, it is the first step (is successful).

He also told us (being me and my class) about Guantanamo Bay, or “Gitmo” for short, to those of you who don’t know. He told us that when he went there it wasn’t at all what it was depicted as in movies and on the covers of magazines (a lot of those pictures on magazines were actually taken at Afghanistan apparently, and not at Gitmo). It isn’t a dungeon, but really a top notch facility where the prisoners receive proper treatment from their, for lack of a better term, captors. He said one of their favorite DVDs to watch is Seinfeld, and that if ever do they feel depressed they can go talk to somebody about there troubles (sort of like a psychiatrist without the drugs they use to kill their customers and the fake disorders that have no proof of existence. Just the listening to the problems part). He also mentioned that the method of interrogation known as water boarding has only been used twice in American history, though my memory fails me as to whether he said it was used in or out of Gitmo. The method they use there is really just asking questions and getting answers, and that the prisoners who leave and say they were tortured are liars.

He’s also against Cap & Trade for the very same reason as the Healthcare Bill. He said it would hurt small businesses a lot, and he also mentioned that there’s no real proof that humans are what’s really causing this climate change.

He gave us these lucky pennies too with the Bilirakis seal around them. He’s a Greek descendant so it was kind of a part of his tradition. They were cool coins, except whenever I want it to land on heads it lands on tails, and vice versa.

Anyhow, I’m hoping I’ll be able to do an internship in his office this summer. It would help with my writing carrier a lot to know what goes on in the world of politics first hand.


An Oldie But A Goodie

2 Jan

This video was made by me and my brother back when I was 12. It’s totally awesome…ish…

Here’s the link: