Tag Archives: MMA

Eric Parker, Lengendary Hero

26 Sep

That isn’t an overstatement either, that headline up there. In fact in my opinion it’s an understatement, it should be:

Eric Parker, Epic-Super-Ultra-Mega Hero.

I’ve been to all of this guy’s fights, and I’m actually good friends with him. He’s a really cool guy, and a champion kickboxer. And he’s a champion for a reason, he’s friggin’ scary good in the ring. I seriously urge you to go see one of his fights the next time you can (most are down here in Florida, but you never know when they might go further out of state). He’s great at what he does. He had his knee dislocated, and popped it back into place, during a fight. Oh, and he won that particular fight. In fact he hasn’t ever lost. Here, check out this knockout mashup of him. It’s really cool. Also, I would like you all to know that he trains at Tiger Schulmann’s Clearwater (I know because I train there as well). It’s a great school full of great fighters. Here’s the mashup:
